by Amy Fashion Blog

Flare-Leg Jeans~ C/O Kmart 21.99
Lia Sophia Mother Of Pearl Of Necklace Christmas Gift From My MIL Peg Friend(2010)
Earring From CR~4.00
Cream Hair Bows From Forever 21~ 1.50
Clark Flip Flops From Macy's Gift From Hubby

Hello Everyone. Today makes my 300th outfit that I have remixed. It's still hard for me to believe I have hit the 300 mark. I remember when I hit my 100th remix. Man was I so excited. Now 300. Wow. I will say since I been writing my blog and remixing clothes. I have realized you don't need new things all the time. I used to be one of those people who thought you always needed something new. What help me with this was 30 for 30. It really was an eye opener for me and I'm glad I did it. 

Today I used FotoFlexter for my pictures. Which its ok. I still on the hunt for a good, easy and free editor to use. That I would really like using. Like it did with Photobucket before the change it.