Guest Post: H&K Style Journey: Pin It and Did It Thursday

by Amy Fashion Blog in

Hello Amy Fashion readers!  I am Heather and I blog over at H&K Style Journey, Every Thursday have a fun link up called Pinned It and Did It.  If any of you are like me, I spend way too much time on Pinterest!  My boards were starting to get really full and I wasn't actually doing anything with them.  One day I decided to start putting them to good use.  Here are a couple outfits that I put my own spin on from some outfits that I pinned.

Pinterest is a great source of inspiration for everything from outfit ideas to DIY projects and recipes. 

Be sure to stop by H&K Style Journey and say hello!

Thank you Amy for having me guest post for you while you are in Paris!  Have a wonderful time and I can't wait to see your photos when you get back!