Hello Everyone. It's been a few month since I have done one of these post. So what I have been up to the last two month. A lot of traveling and not eating as healthy as I was. Which all in all I'm fine with what I'm weighing what now. Yes it is no where close to my goal weight but I'm okay with that.
As for working out we brought a stationary bike. Which I have been using. Since I gave up on insanity in July. Due to we rearrange the living room and no long have the room to do it in there. Plus I want to get back in to run. Which I have and been loving it. Right now I'm training with my husband for the Paris half marathon. That is in 2015. Which so far are training is going good.
This half marathon with be our first one. Which I super excited to run on. Plus after I run it. I can mark it off my bucket list. I will try my best to get back in to doing these update once a month again.