Picture for 2011
6 am~ Alarm clocks goes off.
6:30 am~ Roll out of bed and find my slippers.
7 am~ Start making breakfast, Lately it been eggs and toast for breakfast. Some day I will do a slim fast shake.
7:30 am~ After breakfast I get ready for the day. Then pack my husband a lunch
8:00 am~ Take blog photo's if it a Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Otherwise I'm checking e-mail and things.
8:20 am~ Make the bed and open the blinds up.
8:30 am~ Out the door to take my husband to work.
9:00 am~ Grocery store to get items we need.
9:30 am~ Home and putting the grocery away and clean the kitchen.
10 am~ Write my blog post for the day and have it schedule to go up at 11 am
After 10 am. I will clean the house and run errand I need to run. Also read some blog post.
1 pm ~ Lunch time~ Normal I will eat a sandwich.
After Lunch I will read some blog if I don't have anything else plan in the after noon. Each day varies
3:30 pm ~ check my po. box.
4 pm~ Pick my husband up from work and head to the gym.
5 to 6pm working out at the gym.
A little after 6 pm we head home and shower.
6:30 pm make dinner
7 pm eat dinner and then clean the kitchen up
7:30 pm We watch some TV show. Lately we have been doing thing around the house.
9:30 pm~ Get ready for bed.
10 Pm~ In bed.
Hello Everyone. Today I thought I would share what I do on a daily base. Each day is different from the next. Thing that stay the same on a daily base is blogging, taking blog photo's and working out. These last few weeks have been spent moving the house around. Which I love the outcome. Each room now has a purpose's again.
I told you all yesterday that I brought a rug on Saturday. Well we went to lay it down last night. The rug is coming undone. So I will be returning it back to the store here soon. I'm hoping they have a the same one. Since we loved it and it would prefect with the new furniture.