Spring Wishlist

by Amy Bunch in

  1. Long Sleeve O Neck Irregular Hem Stripe Button T-shirt~7.64 
  2. Long Sleeve O Neck Sequin T-shirt~8.89
  3. Pockets Solid V Neck Vest Sweater~7.58
  4. Sleeveless Hollow Crop Chiffon Vest Tank Top~4.38
  5. Crystal Flower Collar Statement Necklace~5.47
  6. Candy Color Double Side Stripe Big Ball Earrings~2.11

Hello Everyone. Since spring is right around the corner. I thought I would share with you all my Wishlist. All of the clothes on my wishlist are from Newchic. There an online shop. That sell trendy  items for a low price. So that mean you can try the trend out and don't have to break the bank. If you don't like it. 

NewChic was nice and gave me a coupon code for you all to use.  Save 20% off every item with using code BLOG20OFF