Happy Friday Everyone! Today I’m sharing my most worn color for 2018. At the top you will see all of the colors. That I worn for 2018. Down Below I will break it down with month. Which it starting in July. The reason I start with July. Is because that when I got my echolook. Which it give you a report each month with the most worn colors.
In July I wore the following colors above. The green is on there. Since I worn the crap out of my one tired mother t-shirt. Along with my olive green tank top.
In August I start to wear my pink jeans a lot. Along with my black leggings.
September kicked off football season. So therefor I was wearing a lot more Detroit Lions stuff.
In September I started to wear my red jegging again. Along with my pink jeans. Plus a lot of jeans.
October was a month full of basic white, black and grey top.
October was another month just of me wearing basic color pants.
November is when I went back to work. So therefor I started add some more color in to my outfits.
November I keep my pants simple. I was still wearing my red jeggings a lot. I also started wearing my brown work pants again this month.
December was a month full of Christmas outfit. So therefor I was wear a lot of red this month.
December was another month of me keeping my pants simple.
Over all for the year 2018. I wore a lot of Jeans. Plus a red, white and black outfit. I can’t wait to see what colors make this list in 2019. I have already started the year out with wearing black and white. Which you will see that outfit in next week post.