Happy Monday Everyone! Today I’m sharing with you all my weight loss journey. I have been on this journey for the last 3 years. In those last three year I have lost a total of 38.8 pounds. Saddly this year I didn’t actully lose any weight. I was very shock to see that the weight I did gain for 2020 was only 1.3 pounds. Which is surprisingly good.
Since 2020 wasn’t that great year for me. With my sister getting covid-19. Which she over came but was in the hospital for a month. Then my oma got sick and was in a out of the hospital. Then the top of the hat was my father passing away 13 month after my mother did. So with all those things going on I was stress eatting and very emotional. So thats the main reason I was shocked to see I only gained a pound.
My all time goal is to get to 125. Which I’m not sure I will get to but I will be trying to reach it this year. Overall I’m happy with the fact. I have been able to maintain my weight to be under 135 for the last two year. As of today I’m sitting at 130. So that means I only have 5 pounds to loss this year. I will update you all in a few months with my process.